Why does my pet itch?


Skin disease is unfortunately common in our pets.

At RVC we see many patients with skin issues and we understand the stress and worry that can accompany these problems. We are very fortunate to have vets on the team with a special interest in dermatology, and they have studied this subject in detail. Their presence means that all our RVC companion animal vets have a good understanding of the latest updates and skin treatments, so we hope we can help your pet as quickly and effectively as possible. Although we see and treat lots of skin and ear infections, there is usually an underlying cause that also needs to be addressed in order to help prevent further recurring problems:    

  • Allergic skin disease is the most common reason for scratching, biting and licking when the skin becomes inflamed in response to one or more allergens. Commonly, fleas, dietary proteins, dust mites, pollens or a combination of several of these are to blame. At RVC, distressed animals and frustrated owners can look forward to a methodical and informed approach to diagnosis, treatment and management of the skin problem.

  • Ear problems are commonly seen and can involve bacterial, fungal or yeast infection, as well as foreign bodies such as grass seeds. Underlying allergic skin disease is present in 90% or more of cases and is usually the original cause of the issue.

  • Adverse food reaction (AFR) is a common cause of skin disease and surprisingly, up to 80% of affected dogs get ear disease. Oddly, 25% of them will get ear disease as the only symptom of AFR.

  • Atopic Dermatitis is another form of skin disease and up to 30% will have AFR as well.

  • Flea Bite Hypersensitivity affects up to 60% of cats that we see with skin disease. Confusingly, these cats are not all obviously crawling with fleas. Cats can also have food and environmental allergies too. 

As you can see, most skin conditions are complicated and can be caused by a number of issues, and usually a secondary infection is present on top (bacterial, yeast and fungal). This does provide a challenge, but at RVC we combine experience and expertise to form a tailored plan for your pet. We want to support you so together, we can beat your pet’s itch!