Reap the Rewards of Controlling Inflammation & Pain


A painkiller and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) such as KetoMax, are the new normal, or, if they’re not, they should be!

Cows are no different to us, they get inflammation and pain just like we do. Put yourself in their ‘hooves’ and ask yourself – would this cause inflammation and pain for me? If the answer is yes, then we should be giving these animals relief from that inflammation and pain, just like we would ourselves.

Here are a few scenarios to get you thinking:

  • Why do humans limp? Due to inflammation and pain.

  • Why does a cow show lameness (equivalent of a human limp)? Due to inflammation and pain.

  • Do women get inflammation and pain giving birth? – YES (ask any Mum!)

  • Do cows get inflammation and pain giving birth? YES

  • If I had diarrhoea, would my stomach be inflamed? YES.

  • If a cow/calf has diarrhoea, is their stomach inflamed? YES.

  • If I stop eating, does my stomach hurt? YES.

  • If a cow stops ruminating (eating), does her rumen (stomach) hurt? YES.

  • Mastitis in women is defined as inflammation of breast tissue that results in breast pain, swelling, warmth and redness. Is mastitis in cows the same? YES - these girls get inflammation of their udder (breast tissue) leading to pain and swelling.

You get the idea. When animals are showing us signs something is not right, such as reduced appetite, poor movement, decreased milk yield, reduced growth, you can bet there is inflammatory pain involved. So, an injectable painkiller and NSAID will make a BIG DIFFERENCE!

The main aim is speeding up the recovery process, and for some farmers, administering an NSAID painkiller is now the new normal, because they have seen for themselves how quickly animals bounce back when pain, inflammation, and fever is reduced.

Whether it’s an assisted calving, a down cow, or an animal that is just ‘off colour’, proactive pain relief helps give your girls the best chance of a healthy, productive season.

This isn’t just guess work either, there have been numerous NZ studies proving the benefits of using NSAIDs on animal health, wellbeing, longevity and productivity.

Ask any of us vets just how easy it is to take the hurt out of pain and inflammation for your cows and calves. They’ll be better off, and so will you!